Creative Ways to Use Short Videos

Videos have quickly become “the thing” to do on social media. People love to share the candid moments they capture in their daily lives and businesses love the opportunity to showcase their brand in a more authentic way than just a still photo. The use of videos allows others to feel engaged and connected while watching the content you post.

From a business perspective, it is important to know how to effectively use short video to help bring your brand success on its social media platforms. Social Media Examiner shared 6 Ways to Use Short Video for Social Marketing. The suggestions included:

  1. Show how to do something
  2. Highlight your skills
  3. Showcase an event
  4. Reveal a new product
  5. Go behind the scenes
  6. Use what you have

You may or may not be surprised by some of these uses for short videos. I want to focus on the last two in which I found to be the most creative and interesting.

Go Behind the Scenes

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Going behind the scenes allows your brand to be real and authentic to those who follow your brand. It is a great opportunity to give an insider’s perspective on the day to day operations of the company. Or take it another direction and allow your fans to meet the real people who are behind the brand’s success.

Adding short videos to your marketing mix that showcase the behind the scenes action of your brand allow followers to feel like they know your company on a personal level.

Use What You Have

The great thing about short videos is the fact that they are not meant to be super impressive, professional videos. Take advantage of the equipment and skills you possess housed within your company. Again, be authentic and real, even in the production of these short videos.

Be creative. Use everyday props or objects and focus on people that work for your company. A big budget in not necessary to pull off amazing and successful short videos.

Taco Bell Is Doing It Right


Taco Bell has been very successful on Snapchat with their short videos. According to Entrepreneur, they were one of the first major companies to jump on board with storytelling on Snapchat. The brand uses their Snapchat stories to showcase their product, introduce new items, and even provide its followers with entertainment that may not center solely around tacos. The videos are often candid and fun. Taco Bell has definitely figured out how to use short videos on social media as an effective addition to their marketing plan.

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